WRD families and staff can rent the rock to celebrate birthdays, academic accomplishments, sport victories, school spirit, and all the things!
WRD families and staff can rent the rock to celebrate birthdays, academic accomplishments, sport victories, school spirit, and all the things!
The rock is available to rent on a weekly basis for $10 a week. A week runs from Friday 3:00pm to the following Friday at 3:00pm. Use the sign-up genius link to rent your week! Payment is due at the time of rental via PayPal (link below) or sending cash/check (written to WRD PTO) to the main office.
The rock is available to rent on a weekly basis for $10 a week. A week runs from Friday 3:00pm to the following Friday at 3:00pm. Use the sign-up genius link to rent your week! Payment is due at the time of rental via PayPal (link below) or sending cash/check (written to WRD PTO) to the main office.
By renting the rock, you agree to observe the policy listed below.
By renting the rock, you agree to observe the policy listed below.
Rock Rental Policy
Rock Rental Policy
- Rock rental must be done using the sign-up genius and is available on a first come, first serve basis. If you need assistance, please contact a WRD PTO Board member.
- Payment is due at the time of rental via PayPal or sending cash or check to the main office. Checks should be made payable to WRD PTO. If sending payment into the office, please note 'rock rental' on the envelope or check memo line.
- The rock is available to rent on a weekly basis. A week is defined as Friday at 3pm to the following Friday at 3pm.
- Only the rock may be painted. Please do not paint the grass surrounding the rock. Do not add signs or other objects to or around the rock. Individuals or groups may be held financially responsible for cleaning and/or repairs if policy is violated.
- Renter assumes liability for any individual or member of the group who may be injured or incur clothing damage while painting the rock. Neither WRD PTO, nor WRD Elementary School are responsible for injuries or clothing damage.
- Paintings must be in good taste and cannot be used as a form of advertisement. Please refrain from political or discriminatory remarks. WRD PTO will monitor the spirit rock to ensure that content is appropriate for the school environment and reserves the right to cover the rock without notice.
- Renter must supply all painting materials (paint, rollers, brushes, etc.) for painting the rock. Do not leave any paint or materials on or around the rock.
- Reminders to paint the rock will not be sent out by WRD PTO. Please set your own reminders so that you don't miss your week.
- Refunds will not be giving for any reason.
- Inclement weather - the renter may paint the rock later in their week or revisit the calendar and choose another open date for substitution.
When using PayPal to Rent the Rock, you may have to "Checkout as Guest" if you have trouble with using your PayPal account.